What's this? A deck?! It took about an hour of hacking at ice to uncover this much. I purchased a Fiskars X17 splitting axe per a recommendation from my friend Juha. This little axe made removing all the ice incredibly easy. The fatter wood-splitting head levers the ice away from the main mass as it cuts. Brilliant.

My daughter and I spent a while afterwards sitting in the sun. It felt amazing.
Unfortunately it appears the deck will need some serious cleaning.
Here's the pile of ice blocks we removed:
On to the door. Cold air leaks in a lot via my lovely back door (that sounds a little naughty). It has this old rubber seal which is now hard from age (also naughty).
The simplest fix for now is this clean and adequate sticky black foam. I'm not entirely sure how I want to approach refinishing the doors yet so I opted for this fix.
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